
That Dog May Bite

He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.
(Proverbs 26:17)
It is amazing that there are people who cannot take care of their own business, but work hard at intruding into the affairs of others. I do not totally understand the taking a dog by the ears part of this proverb, but I'm sure that doing so is not a good idea; especially if the dog is fighting another dog. This seems to be the connotation: meddling in another's battle. It is very obvious, there are times we are to mind our own business. It is not our business unless we are asked for counsel. And then, we must make sure that are counsel is not only needed, but also appropriate. It may not be appropriate to give counsel to those under the authority of another. It may not wise to meddle in a quarrel that cannot be resolved by words alone. Definitely refrain from middling into another's fight out of mere curiosity. That dog may bite.