
Caught In the Briars

Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; he who guards his soul will be far from them.
(Proverbs 22:5)
Is your life filled with snares and thorns? Do you seem unable to get ahead in just about every realm: financially, relationally and spiritually? Maybe, just maybe, there are perversions in your life. A perverse person is one who twists what is good and turns truths into lies. He or she is seldom evident in their perversions. Most are hidden and done behind closed doors. The number one perversion of our day appears to be sexual in content: sexual exploitation and pornography are more than rampant. These seem to be the greatest thorns and snares for men in our day. They are deadly. There are others perversions: addictions, gluttony and the like. These like all sins will hinder growth and success. Therefore guard your soul from them. If they have already caught you, get help and turn. God has said, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die."[32]