
Sensual Pleasures

He who loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich.
(Proverbs 21:17)
If it takes things to make you happy, you are a lover of sensual pleasures. And you will more than likely never stop living from hand to mouth. Pleasures are not to be the purpose of life, but a byproduct of life. True pleasures, according to Psalm 16:11, are found at the right hand of God.[22] Likewise the glutton and the drunkard will come to poverty.[23] People who work for things instead of the things of God never find true prosperity or happiness. Pleasures will be very temporal and lasting pleasures will forever allude them. It is for this reason that they keep on buying and keep on seeking to satisfy the flesh and senses without satisfaction. Let us therefore be lovers of God instead of lovers of earthly pleasures. Let us seek the things of God and the things of this life will come with a proper perspective. Let us enjoy eating, but let us eat to live not live to eat.