
The Power of the Gift

A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.
(Proverbs 18:16)
It's just a fact; people like to receive gifts. The only thing better than receiving a gift is having the abundance to give them. It is also a fact, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."[7] Therefore there is power in the giving and in the receiving of gifts. Use it wisely. For like all gifts, they can be abused. Gift giving opens door and topples barriers. The sinister sister to "Gifts" is "Bribes." The difference is that one is given out of a heart of concern, love and edification, the other is given for the sake of greed, lust and usurpation. Lear to be a gift giver. Think of others during holidays, birthdays and special events. Investing in a card, a flower or a small gift says volumes, and brings a great return. Learn to say thank you with a gift and your gratitude will not be soon forgotten. Gifts communicate, leave a lasting impact and are reminders of friendships. They should not be expected, just given.