
A Bribe Is A Bad Gamble

He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes will live.
(Proverbs 15:27)
What are the bribes of life that tempt you to trouble your house? Is it the foolishness of the gamble: lotteries, casinos and the like? Maybe your bribe temptation is luck: the hope that good fortune will come your way without effort or diligence. These are the bribes of life, that which will keep us from doing what we know to do to succeed. Those who seek easy success and prosperity are those who are greedy for gain. They inevitably trouble their own homes. Flee from such foolishness. No gamble is a good gamble, especially with that which you cannot afford to lose. Note that there is a great difference between a risk and a gamble. A risk is that which is taken through reaching beyond our comfort zones and working diligently at our calling. A gamble is greedily seeking a bribe from life with the false hope that it will bring happiness. The bribe of the world is a bad gamble.