
Smooth Roads Are Created

The way of the lazy man is like a hedge of thorns, but the way of the upright is a highway.
(Proverbs 15:19)
Have you ever drudged through a briar patch or gnarled thicket? It is slow, painful movement at best. This is the way of the lazy. Life is drudgery and gnarled--full of complaints and painful encounters.  On the other hand, those who refuse the temptation of laziness walk a smooth road.  The lazy call them lucky.  They refuse to realize that diligence and hard work bring success.  As a matter of fact, the diligence and hard work of the upright is the hedge of thorns to the lazy man.  Smooth roads do not just happen; they are created.  Thorns and briars grow through neglect.  Which does your life produce?  Consider the word "upright".  This is all the lazy need to do: get upright.  Get up, get out and forsake the hedge of thorn lifestyle of the lazy man.  Remember that neglect brings thorns.  Smooth roads, on the other hand, do not just happen, they are constructed.