
Retooling Our Abilities

And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men." ,
(Luke 5:10)
Peter was a fisherman. He knew how to catch fish. Even at that, Jesus a carpenter's son taught him a lesson in fishing. The key thought her is that Christ will take that which we are good doing and use those principles to do His will. He will take good business skills and use them to His glory. He will take our talents and abilities and use them to change the lives of those created in His image. He, in our text, took a fisherman and made him into a man who caught men. And when Christ takes that which we do and makes into something He does through us, He says, "Do not be afraid." Why? Why would Christ have to instruct Peter not to be afraid to catch men instead of fish? First of all, we are comfortable at that which we are equipped. If we are good at catching fish, most likely we will like catching fish. To change from catching fish to leading people is more than a radial change. Likewise when Christ directs you and me to use our natural abilities in a new direction, let us remember we need not be afraid.