
Leaders of Leaders

Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour?",
(Mark 14:37)
Why did the Lord ask Peter if he were sleeping? Why did He not ask Thaddeus or Bartholomew? The answer is simple; leadership requires a far greater level of responsibility. Peter was a leader; therefore Jesus went to him first. All of the apostles were leaders, but Peter was a leader of leaders. The greater the leadership role, the greater the accountability and the greater the accountability the more will be required. As one rises in leadership, privileges change enormously. The leader forfeits his or her right to relax with the troops. Days are longer and mornings come earlier. Credit is given and blame is taken. If acclaim does come, it comes to one who will pass it on to another; for the greater the leadership the greater the humility required. God will not give position to the arrogant and the prideful. He loves us too much to do that.