
Know What You Ask

So Jesus answered and said to him, "What do you want Me to do for you?",
(Mark 10:51)
Every good thing in life that I have received, I received because I asked for it. However, God in His mercy has not given me everything I have asked. Often times we pray vaguely. We pray for God's blessings and His protection. He replies, "What do you want Me to do for you?" In essence Christ is telling us to be specific. It is not that He does not know what we want. We are to realize that when God asks us a question, He is not looking for an answer? He asks us so that we would know the answer. The reason many of us do not have our prayers answered is that we really do not know what we want or why we want it. God is not fickle. Therefore He will not respond to our fickleness. James and John did not know for what they asked when they requested to sit at the right hand of God and did not receive it. Blind Bartimaeus knew precisely what he asked and received his answer.