
Secrets are to be Kept Secret

A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.
(Proverbs 11:13)
Everything we know does not have to be made known to everyone we know. Integrity knows when to speak its mind and when to refrain from speaking. That which I know that may cause harm is only harmful if I release it. Jesus often said, "Tell no one." Yet inevitably those whom He told to remain silent revealed what Jesus had done. How much more could He have accomplished if the recipients of His virtue would have not been talebearers? When someone shares with you in confidence, keep it confident. There are few exceptions, but when those exceptions arise, inform the one sharing the confidence before you hear it that you will not be able to keep it private. Unrepentant violators of the laws of God and just laws of man may have to be exposed. However, faults, shortcomings and personal matters are not to be on the lips of a talebearer.