
Making Life Excel

"Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all."
(Proverbs 31:29)
Can this be said of you and can you say this of another? There ought to be a person in each of our lives that excels all others with regard to relationship, honor and respect. There can be no better person to fit that bill than your spouse. We are to make it our endeavor to be an excellent husband or wife. Each of us has a role to play in marriage. When we do our part to the best of the abilities and talents God has given us, we will inevitably excel. My job for example is to love my wife as Christ loved the church.[18] When I do my part, and that is all that I can do, I will excel. As with this excellent woman, it takes faithfulness, diligence and trust. Marriage takes a lot of hard work. From early morning to late night marriage deserves and requires our utmost attention. Furthermore if we can excel in marriage, we will likewise excel in the rest of life.