
Obtaining Elegance

She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple.
(Proverbs 31:22)
When I read of this excellent lady and attempt to define her in a word, I think of the word "elegant." It would have been much easier for her to make coverings of plain wool or cotton, but she labored more diligently and covered her bed with tapestries. Likewise she could have made her cloths in a utilitarian fashion, but she chose fine linen and purple. Some would call it extravagant. I prefer to call her elegant. God calls her virtuous[9] and one worthy to be praised.[10] We need to realize that she did not just go about spending and indulging. She labored for her household, was prudent in her spending, yet austere in her work. Her elegance and evident luxury was the fruit of her labor. She made the best of what she had and what she had God blessed and became the best there was. She is not to be envied, but admired and modeled.