
Receive Instruction

Receive my instruction, and not silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold.
(Proverbs 8:10)
The best inheritance I can leave my children is godly instruction in how to live. For the greatest asset we have is time. All other commodities of life can be regained, but once time is spent it is eternally gone. Therefore when we instruct others with regard to the utilization of their time, we have given them that which is far greater than silver and gold. These received without effort will inevitably be spent in frivolously wasted time. For the only thing that silver and gold can purchase of true value is time. Likewise with regard to helping those in financial need: to give money without instruction is to feed poverty and waste time. Better than an allowance is instruction. For instruction will bring a greater return than a loan, a stipend or even a gift. Naturally this is all contingent on the instruction coming from words of godly wisdom and not mere clich