
The Highway Of The Upright

The highway of the upright is to depart from evil; he who keeps his way preserves his soul.
(Proverbs 16:17)
The road of life has many enticing side streets. There are countless tempting road signs beckoning us to travel their way to destruction. Those traveling the Highway of the Upright are focused, not only on their destination, but their journey as well. They know where they are going and they know the way. They are followers of Jesus, the One who has said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."[1] To travel this highway requires discipline and power. The discipline comes from heeding God's road map, His Word, the Bible. The power is one and the same.  Likewise, God's word, which is "The power of God."[2] We are not only commanded to travel this road without wavering from its boundaries, we are to travel it with and by the very Spirit of God, the one who makes it safe. What a joy and what an honor. It is to be a busy highway, traveled with friends and neighbors, church and family.

[1] John 14:6
[2] Romans 1:16