
The Complex Part Has Been Done

As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.
(John 1:12)
It sounds so easy, but it is so like God. God has taken the complexity of sin and made a wonderful way to have sin forgiven. He had the price for it paid by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in God is the only thing that can separate mankind from the wages of sin. There is not only no other way[1], there is no other name.[2] Salvation comes by believing in the name of Jesus and that He has paid the price for our sins. I know that it sounds too simple, too easy, but it easy for us because He paid the complex price. There is nothing simple about the very Creator of the universe leaving a perfect heaven, being born of a virgin, living a sinless life, dying on a sinner's cross and rising from the dead, victorious over sin and death. God has done the complex part that we would do the simple. Have you? If not, will you?

[1] John 14:6
[2] Acts 4:12