
Even Better Is Both

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred.
(Proverbs 15:17)
There has never been a more prosperous nation, nor has there ever been a people with the luxuries we enjoy. There was a time in my life when it was said of America, "To have a chicken in every pot was a sign of prosperity." Today chicken is no big deal; we even feed it to our pets. What point am I attempting to make? Prosperity has little to do with happiness. How sad to be the most prosperous people on earth and so many marriages and families (what is left of them) live lives of bitterness and hatred. We sit at our tables of abundance and complain as if we were sitting in squalor. We speak bitterly to one another, if we speak at all. If there is laughter, it is at each other instead of with one another. Many can remember the laughter at tables of meagerness, but have neglected it at our tables of fortune. How sad. Take a look around. What do you see? Instead of having to choose between herbs with love or a fatted calf with hatred, why not choose love and the fatted calf?