
We've Got to Pray

Then He went into the temple
(Luke 19:46)
God's house, which today we call His church, is to be a place of prayer. Does that mean that is all we are to do there? No. It is also a place for learning and edification, fellowship and praise. In total it is a place of worship. Nevertheless the church is to be the place where we get direction not only for prayer, but a place where we learn how to pray. I am convinced that prayer is not preparation for life's battles; prayer is the place of battle. Christ did not pray in the Garden for preparation for the battle of Calvary, the prayer in the garden was the battle. Calvary was the victory. When Jesus walked with His disciples, He did not teach them how to preach or sing, He taught them how to pray. His teaching us to pray is clear. When His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He said, "When you pray, say