
Kingly Leadership

In a multitude of people is a king's honor, but in the lack of people is the downfall of a prince.
(Proverbs 14:28)
The main difference between a king and a prince, I would imagine, is a matter of maturity. Young leaders need to understand that the first thing they must do is build a following. No matter how energetic or zealous they may be to succeed, unless there is a shared vision, the young prince will fall. The wisdom of a seasoned leader is the he or she understands the principle of not only maintained growth, but also multiplied growth. The young leader often attempts to do it alone, believing that his or her idealistic views of life are not only tangible, but achievable as well. That is to be admired in youth, but the wise leader knows that ideals and enthusiasm in themselves is not enough. It takes team or body unity