
Distinguishing The Wicked From The Upright

The words of the wicked are, "Lie in wait for blood, but the mouth of the upright will deliver them.
(Proverbs 12:6)
Who are the wicked? They are life-stealers: bleeders of energy, resources and reality. Their words lie in wait to deceive, use and then disregard. The only value of others in their eyes is that they are commodities, a means to an end. The upright on the other hand does profit from others, but their profit is but a byproduct of their success. The upright does not use people as a means to an end; they join with others as a means to an end. It becomes a joint journey. The difference between the two at times can be hard to distinguish. Often the wicked and the upright use the same methods to achieve their goals, the disparity however is between motive and purpose. Let us define motive as self-seeking and purpose as God-honoring. Naturally motives can then be filled with misconceptions and flat-out lies, while godly purpose will lead with truth and govern with integrity. One is a life-taker, the other a life-giver.