
Fall In Love With God's Word

Keep my commands and
(Proverbs 7:2-4)
How do we keep the commandments and laws of God? The writer of this section of the Proverbs answers that question so very well. We do so, by cherishing them. We purposefully fall in love with the Word of God, the Bible. We read it faithfully (daily). We not only read it, we write about it. We copy those verses that have special meaning to us and post them about our homes. We write it on the tablets of our hearts by memorizing it. We embrace it as a dear sister or a loving family member by talking about it and applying it to every aspect of our lives. The Word of God is not to be something we just know about, but something that has become who we are. God's Word is to be the dearest possession we have. Its pages may wear out, but not rust out. Its cover may become tattered, but never dusty.