
The Sluggard

6:6, Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise
Job illustrated it this way, "But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you."[1] Nature itself teaches us the pitfalls of laziness and the beauty of work. Work is good. Man has been designed for it. It is what God calls the things He does. To the sluggard it is a four-letter word, a curse. But to the wise, work is that which accomplishes dreams, goals and desirers. Everything that has ever been accomplished has been come through the realm of someone somewhere working. From the creation of the universe to salvation of mankind, work was done to accomplish it. Yet the metaphoric sluggard despises it; and those who do the least despise it the most. They complain that it takes up so much time. They want its fruits without its labor. If they would take the energy used in complaining and apply it to good work they would more than prosper at all their endeavors.