
Shifting Sand or The Solid Rock

Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
(Jonah 1:17)
Are there parts of the Bible that hard to believe for you? Are there things in it that you do not believe? It is one thing not to understand everything in it or fathom how God did the things that He did, but it is quite another not to believe it in its entirety. When we begin to pick and choose what to believe, we become judges of its author, the Creator of the universe, the Lord God. All that we know about God is found in its pages. It is the basis of the faith. If we divide the Bible into myths, truths and opinions, we destroy its viability as a sure foundation. We may not be able to scientifically explain how God has done the things that the Bible says He has done, but there are a myriad of things that science has failed to explain. We can choose to believe the shifting sands of science and man's reasoning or the solid rock of God's Word and the faith that is to accompany it. God's Word says that a man lived in the belly of a fish for three days