
Followers of What is Good

Who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed.
(1 Peter 3:13-14)
If we are down right honest with ourselves many if not most of our problems and troubles are self-imposed. We spend money we do not have and marvel that we are in debt. We judge motives instead of deeds and wonder why we're bitter. And we are lazy in one realm or another and do not understand why we are unsuccessful. The answer to these troubles and trials is becoming followers of what is good. And we are clearly told, "No one is good but One, that is, God."[38] Here we have the epitome of righteousness, following God. How do we do that? We follow Him by knowing and doing His Word, by yielding to the leading of His Spirit and by not violating our consciences. When we by grace obey His Word, which is the power of God, no one can harm you. So we may boldly say: