
Yesterday We Prayed

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.
(James 5:13)
It often seems that life requires more prayer than the singing of psalms. At the writing of this devotional, October 27, 2003, San Diego County California is being besieged by a historic firestorm. Eleven people have died, hundreds of houses and businesses have been destroyed and many of our dearest friends have lost their homes and all their belongings. My family and I had to evacuate our home last evening, not knowing if we would have a home to return to today. By the unmerited mercy of God, we do. Yesterday we prayed. This morning we sang psalms. Now we are praying again. After finding our home intact, we meet with a dear lady who lost over thirty years of memories and belongings. Another elderly couple lost everything in their uninsured home. I wonder, just wonder if we had prayed more if we would have gotten to sing more. God knows; God knows.