
Choosing Humility

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
(James 4:10)
How do we do that; how do we humble ourselves? I believe we can do so in two or three different ways: we can humble ourselves by realizing who we are in Christ and who we are in the scope of the vastness of the universe and in eternity. We can realize that we are mire specks in matter and micro moments in time. We can humble ourselves purposefully. That is, even when we think of ourselves as something, we purposefully take a lower place. Instead of taking a position we think we deserve, we relegate ourselves to a lesser rank. Humility comes through attitude, choice or imposition. We can be graced with it, we can consign ourselves to it or we can be mandated to it. If we choose to humble ourselves God in turn will through that humility lift us up to a greater level of service in His kingdom. Consider the words of Samuel to king Saul, "When you were little in your own eyes, were you not head of the tribes of Israel?"[34]