
Taking Care of The Temple

No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and your frequent infirmities.
(1 Timothy 5:23)
Sickness is a fact of life; it is neither solely based on our goodness or our frowardness. We are to do our best to avoid it, through good eating habits, proper rest and bodily exercise. We are not to read too much into our text. The apostle's counsel to his disciple was just that, advice to treat an illness. I personally have a heart ailment. Therefore, I diligently watch my diet, exercise regularly and take the appropriate medications. Some would foolishly say that I lack faith. I do what I do because of my faith. I am a steward of this body that God has given me to dwell. It is infirmed because of heredity and a history of neglect. It took a heart attack to make me aware of its needs. Now that was foolish, but it was the foolishness of youth. These bodies in which we live have great value; we must take care of them. "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"[42] Therefore let's not wait until an illness strikes to care for them. Let us do some wise preventive maintenance: