
He Rules and Reigns From Heaven

Our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.
(Psalm 115:3)
The gods of this world may be shinny, intriguing and greatly desired, but they have no authority. Their purpose is to please, but their pleasure is temporal. Our God rules and reigns from His throne on high. He is in heaven governing the universe and all of eternity. He sees, hears and knows absolutely everything. Nothing escapes His attentiveness and nothing takes Him by surprise. He is never in a panic, a hurry or late. His timing is perfect. The reason for all His perfection is that He does whatever He pleases and what pleases Him is His own goodness and, "No one is good but One, that is, God."[6] Heaven is not an abstract realm, a myth or detached from reality. Heaven is the place from which Christ calls, redeems and leads His church. It is the place from which we are to hear, seek and someday go. "Thus says the Lord: