
Empty Words

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
(Ephesians 5:8)
Located on the Greek island of Crete are the ancient ruins of a place called Kenosis. Much has been written about this ancient sight, but with absolutely no knowledge of the people who dwelt there or even when they were. In our text, the same Greek word is translated, "empty words." Like the ruins of Kenosis, they are mere speculations, unfounded, without the details or even incidental evidences. Empty words are words spoken without fact, truth or understanding. They are more than often emotional, driven by anger and filled with, at best, partial truths. They may appear to be concerned, caring and loving, but in truth they are divisive, slanderous and lacking integrity. Empty words are filled with pride, self-justification and fabricated reasoning. There is always at least one thing that empty words do not know. They never have the pertinent facts; they are either ignorant of them or not privy to them. At best, empty words can only feed egos. But for the most part they are slanderous and divisive, bringing about the wrath of God upon the sons of disobedience.