
The Rock

As it is written
(Romans 9:33)
Christ is a stumbling stone and a rock of offense to those who reject Him as the savior of their souls. The scriptures are repeatedly clear, "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone."[11] To reject the love of God that is found in Christ Jesus is to hate those who have embraced Him and everything for which they stand. It may not be an outward hatred, but there will at the very least be a covert antagonism toward those who have their faith and peace in Christ. The very presence of a Sprit filled believer will unavoidably rile the hardened carnal mind. With each rejection of Christ comes a continual hardening of the conscience and heart. As these become callused, they begin to stumble even more so at the gospel. As they increasingly harden toward the truths of God they soften toward the sins of the world. What should be repulsive is embraced and what should be embraced becomes repulsive.