
Admiration or Envy?

The patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him.
(Acts 7:9)
Envy is birthed by an inordinate desire to have the unattainable possessions or qualities of another. Joseph's brother could not have what Joseph had, from his rank in birth to his giftedness. Therefore their envy could produce nothing but bitterness and the desire for Joseph's demise. This is what envy always does. It can never attain the character of another; so all that remains is an attempt to destroy the one envied. Let us not confuse admiration with envy. It is good to admire those who have succeeded in a realm of aspiration. By looking up to another, one is more apt to learn from them. Those who admire others are secure in who they are. Envy on the other hand is driven by insecurities and scorns the success of others. Whenever you find yourself envious of another, you can be sure that it is your own insecurity that is the problem not the one being envied. Repent and change your envy into admiration and learn from the one admired. Joseph's brothers eventually found that their security would be in the one they envied.