
Vacillating Arguments

Pilate sought to release Him, but the Jews cried out, saying, "If you let this Man go, you are not Caesar's friend. Whoever makes himself a king speaks against Caesar."
(John 19:12)
Those who were determined to ride themselves of Jesus used any means possible to defend their cause. They used their own law and when that did not work, they attempted to use the law of Rome. Little has changed whenever there is an attempt to defend wrong. If the laws of God will not justify a wrong stance, then a culprit will attempt to use the laws of the land. Both conservatives and liberals use the same tactics when attempting to defend an unmerited bias. If religion does not fit the argument, then history is used. If the law falls short, then humanistic reasoning is applied. These are the ways of pride and arrogance. These methods ought not be the ways of the righteous. There must be a rock solid foundation to a believer's defense. That defense is: "The Bible says..." The Word of God is all that is needed to defend a moral, ethical or legal stand. The only other criteria for a defense would be creation itself.[25]