
The Wisdom of The Seasoned

When I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.
(Psalm 71:18)
At this writing we are in the midst of the 2003 San Diego Billy Graham Mission. Tens of thousand are coming to hear an eighty four year old evangelist. His step is slow and his voice is seasoned, but his spirit, O his spirit, is more than strong. This is evidenced by the thousands who are responding as he declares God's strength to this generation and His power to everyone who is to come. There is a great need for the wisdom that comes from those who have walked with the Lord through the seasons of life. Moses was eighty when he began to lead God's people out of bondage.[17] Abraham was ninety-nine when God made His covenant with him.[18] Age should not be a deterrent to ministry, but a great advantage. By all means retire when able from the toil of labor, but never retire from the giftedness that comes with the wisdom of years. Pray with the psalmist, "When I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me."