
Seek the Seeker

These were more fair-minded . . . in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.
(Acts 17:11)
Not everyone responds to the gospel with equal enthusiasm. I think it wise to first find the fair-minded and present to them the ways of the Lord. I know and understand that every person ought to be reached with the good news of salvation. Nevertheless, why not reach out to the ready-minded first? It is wonderful when the scoundrel, the harlot, and wicked repent. These make for impressive testimonies. But if we reach the seekers first, there will be a greater opportunity to reach the rebels.
I think the Church has been wise in our day by being “seeker sensitive”. We need to be prepared in our churches for those who desire “to find out whether these things [are] so.” It may not be as glamorous to win the fair-minded as it is the hell-bent sinner, but it may be the wiser thing to do. This we may want to do, not because it is the easy road, but because it is the wise road.
Thought For The Night

The cost of food in the kingdom is hunger for the bread of heaven, instead of the white bread of the world. Do you want it? Are you hungry? Or are you satisfied with yourself and your television and your computer and your job and your family?” John Piper, author and pastor, from sermon “The Present Power of a Future Possession,” preached at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota (4-27-97).

Evening Text
Acts 17:11: These were more fair-minded…in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.
Looking for Answers
Evening Study Guide
Defining: “Seeker”: “To be a seeker is to be of the best sect next to a finder; and such an one shall every faithful humble seeker be at the end. Happy seeker, happy finder! Would that the good and all merciful One grant me such peace and wisdom for which my soul yearns,” Oliver Cromwell, 1599-1658, Great English soldier and statesman.
Referencing: “I sought the Lord, and He heard me,            and delivered me from all my fears,” Psalm 34:4.
Applying: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near,” Isaiah 55:6.