
Let Fill His House

Then the master said to the servant,
(Luke 14:23)
We by all means are to invite our families and loved ones to Christ. They naturally are to be are first focus. Then we are to invite our neighbors and friends. After that we are to reach out to our acquaintances and those in our realm of influence. These however may not all come. There remains room in God's house. Therefore we are to reach out to whomever will come. It ought to sadden us to see God's house, the place we call church, half filled. An empty pew or chair is not just an empty seat, but a missing person. Once we are invited to the table of the Lord, we are to likewise invite others to His table. As believers, we are the servants of which Christ spoke in this parable. We are the servants who are to compel those that we meet, to come in, that His house may be filled.