
Don't Look Back

Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."
(Luke 9:62)
The start of the race is important, but the finish line is where the winner is decided. I have seen many folks start their Christian walk with great zeal, but fizzle in the mundane rudiments of life. It seems that few flash-in-the-pan changes have staying power. To maintain an emotional decision requires a perpetual emotional charge. Emotions will always be a part of change, but true change comes with a real transformation of the heart and mind. If you are driven by emotions instead of a cognitive heart, you will stumble in your walk. You will have to be asked as the apostle Paul asked the Galatian church, "You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?"[11] It takes diligence to walk let alone run the course to which Christ has called you. It takes an obedient faith; a faith that says, "I will not turn back after putting my hand to the plow of God's purpose for my life." Therefore, don't look back. Keep your eyes on the finish line. Your reward awaits you.