
Does Christ Embarrass You?

"Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me."
(Luke 7:23)
One would think that because of the number of believers meeting weekly throughout the world that the message of Christ would be more than a main topic of conversation. Instead it is the weather, sports, the economy or politics. Why isn't Christ spoken of more readily and openly? Jesus' in our text, gives us the explicit answer, people are offended by Him. Why? As it was in His earthly presence, it is in His Spiritual presence; Christ convicts people of their sins. Unless spoken of profanely and in jest, the mere mention of His name convicts and thus offends the sinner. The world will tolerate just about anything except the ways of God that are found in Christ Jesus. The cross, prayer and the phrase "under God" are offensive to the world because they exemplify the Way, the Truth and the Life, by which no man can get to the Father except though Christ. Even if the world is offended by the mention of His name, let those of us who have put our faith and trust in Him, without arrogance, never be offended to proclaim the name of Jesus.