
How Did Simeon Know?

According to Your word... my eyes have seen Your salvation Which You have prepared... A light to bring revelation... and... glory...
(Luke 2:29-32)
How awesome it must have been for this just and committed man named Simeon to have seen the infant who was to save the world. What a day that must have been. Can you imagine? Yet, how did He know that this baby was the Christ? How did He know what He was to accomplish? How did He know that this little child was the light and the glory of the whole earth? There is only one way; he knew the same way that you and I know, by the Word and Spirit of the living God. When the light of the Gospel is revealed to the spirit of man, the Spirit of God confirms it. The very purpose of the Word of God is to reveal Christ and His way to mankind. When Christ is clearly revealed, the Holy Spirit will always confirm Him. Like Simeon, if we have the Spirit of God and do as Jesus said, "If you abide in My word... you shall know the truth."[36]