
The Weakness of Strength in The Flesh

Peter said to Him, "Even if all are made to stumble, yet I will not be."
(Mark 14:29)
The apostles were by all means great men. They walked with Christ. Tradition says that they all died a martyr's death. They influenced the world like few others. Nevertheless they were likewise by all means ordinary men, not much different from you and me. What did make them different was that, "they had been with Jesus."[22] Here, in our text, we see Peter, the chief of the apostles, doing what people more than often do, believing and saying one thing and soon after saying and doing another. No matter how strong the flesh, the flesh is no match for the spirit realm. We cannot battle spiritual things without the Spirit of God. Peter without the Holy Spirit, as strong as he was, could not keep his word in the midst of the battle. Only after the resurrection and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit was he able to stand firm in his faith. Let us likewise remember, in the flesh we are powerless over spiritual matters, and life is a spiritual matter. Let us therefore walk by faith, in the Spirit, trusting not in the flesh, but in Christ alone.