
Seeking Solutions

So Moses brought their case before the Lord.
(Numbers 27:5)
The connotation of our text would suggest that not all decisions are required to be taken to the Lord. God has imparted the knowledge, wisdom and understanding for us to make choices with regard to most of life's situations. Nevertheless, there are instances and events that are above our abilities to rightly judge. In these areas, God has likewise given us the wisdom to discern the need for His intervention. I am sure that this need varies with our individual level of maturity. Therefore, there will be many decisions in life that God intends and expects us to handle with the abilities He has given us. Yet, we are likewise to grasp that there will be cases that will have to be brought before the Lord. How do we do so? Clearly, life's difficult decisions are to be made via wise counsel, God's Word and fervent prayer. We are to listen with an ear leaning toward obedience, trusting and believing that the Lord will give the solution to the case.