
Away From The Crowd

When He had entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples asked Him concerning the parable.
(Mark 7:17)
Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes, that there is a time and a place for everything under the sun.[2] There is a time to listen and there is a time to understand. There is a time to hear and there is a time to question. These do not necessarily happen simultaneously. The disciples listened to the parables with the crowd, but they got their understanding away from the crowd. Sometimes we need to get away from the crowd and be with the Master alone. For we, like the crowd, are often without understanding. We need time with Christ to understand. Whenever we hear a message, teaching or the preaching of the Word, we may need to get away from the crowd to fathom what we have heard. It is away from the crowd that we can gain all that Christ has for us. When we ponder, muse and consider what we have heard then we will have a greater comprehension and understanding of what has been said. Remember Jesus always spoke to the crowds, but He ministered to His disciples.