
When The Path Is Rough

Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies.
(Psalm 27:11)
I know that this may sound like the words of the paranoid; nevertheless everyone has enemies. From the powers of darkness to political deviants, there are those who wish for your demise. If you belong to Christ you have many enemies. If you strive for holiness or righteousness you will encounter them from every realm. They will by all means attempt to make your path rough. There is only one-way to smooth out the paths by which you are led: the ways of the Lord. We must walk His path His way. We must know where to step, when to move and where to look. There is a guide-map; there is clear signage, the Word of God. The psalmist has said, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."[29] To know God's Word is to know God's ways. However, it is one thing to know the Word and quite another to do it. God teaches us His Word by allowing us to be in situations where it must be applied. Only the applied Word of God can teach us His ways and smooth out our path.