
Dealing With Enticements

"Cast in your lot among us, let us all have one purse"
(Proverbs 1:14-15)
Throughout life we tempted to inter into various relationships, business deals and the like. Some will be good and profitable others will need to be avoided at all cost. Here is how we can know the difference. One sure way to avoid bad company is by the advice of parents. They may err, but the odds of them being right far outweigh the odds of them being wrong. Another good barometer is wise counsel. The person who does not seek it is not wise. For me personally the best measure is time and conscience. The adage, "Fools rush in," is a true one. I have likewise found that patience has a way of allowing the conscience to weigh things more soundly. In all of these let us not neglect prayer and the Word of God. Therefore let us be slow to violate the leading of parents, wise counsel, our conscience and above all the Word of God. "My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent."[5]