
Wisdom Speaking

But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.
(Proverbs 1:33)
There is a difference between having wisdom available and listening to its instructions. Many people, for example, know the Word of God; they have great Biblical knowledge, but they fail to apply what they know to their lives. The have wisdom, but they just do not obey it. We are told in Romans 2:13, "For not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified."[3] It is one thing to hear wisdom and quite another to listen. We hear sounds constantly; they, for the most part, go in one proverbial ear and out the other. Listening takes effort. Many people attend church services and hear the preaching and the praise and worship but fail to listen with an ear toward obedience. Wisdom is being imparted, but it is not being heard with a listening ear. Those who learn to listen will dwell safely, securely and without fear of evil.