
Get It

Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.
(Proverbs 4:5)
If we are commanded to get it, it can be gotten. God never calls us to a task that cannot be achieved. If we are directed to do it, it can be done. No matter what the charge, God will always grace us to accomplish that charge. The greatest task to which we are called is that of acquiring wisdom and understanding. Wisdom requires that we gain the knowledge of the Son of God and apply that knowledge correctly. Understanding comes via the highway of experience. To be able to say, "I understand," one must have experienced the same situation or greater. For example, to vaguely understand the loss of a loved one, you must also have experienced the loss a loved one. Thus, understanding comes through the most difficult of lessons. Nevertheless, it is by far the greatest of all comprehensions and compassions. Therefore, "Get wisdom!" Get understanding!"