
Exalt Wisdom

Exalt her (wisdom), and she will promote you; she will bring you honor, when you embrace her.
(Proverbs 4:8)
Whenever we deem wisdom with the honor it deserves and consider it with an honest conscience, success is emanate. Wisdom is derived from being obedient to godly knowledge. It comes directly from the mind of Christ. It is the principal thing.[17] Therefore seek it. When you find it obey it with all your being. Obey not only its explicate command, but its very inclination. Seek to please her and she will serve you more than well. Heed wisdom's conscience. Listen to its thoughts. Let its impulse be your first preference. If you seek her you will find her. She dwells in the simplicity of the gospel, the knowledge of the proverbs, the doctrine of the epistles and the entirety of the Word of the Lord, the Bible. Spirit filled godly men and woman possess it. The aged have seen it and most have experienced it. Furthermore, God gives it freely.[18]