
Through Life’s Storms

Then, fearing lest we should run aground on the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern, and prayed for day to come.
(Acts 27:29)
There will always be storms in this life. We will, for example, be hit by financial tempests more than financial windfalls. We are just as apt to be flooded with trials as we will be showered with blessings. Nevertheless, as Isaiah said, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” Therefore, no matter how your ship of life is being tempest tossed, hold firm with the anchors of Christ, the Word, the Spirit and the promises of God, and pray for day to come. With Christ, all of our problems are temporary. The greatest majority of them can be solved though wise counsel. Most will be taken care of by the course of life. They are, “such as is common to man.” In Christ, every trial, problem, hurt, loss and the like will be overcome in a place called heaven. Again, when the storms of life come, and they will come, hold fast with your anchors and pray for the morning.
Thought For The Night

Suffering is not evidence of God's absence, but of God's presence, and it is in our experience of being broken that God does his surest and most characteristic salvation work. There is a way to accept, embrace, and deal with suffering that results in a better life, not a worse one, and more of the experience of God, not less. God is working out his salvation in our lives the way he has always worked it out—at the place of brokenness, at the cross of Jesus, and at the very place where we take up our cross.” Eugene H. Peterson, adapted from Foreword of Alan E. Nelson, Embracing Brokenness: How God Refines Us Through Life's Disappointments (NavPress, 2002)

Evening Text
Acts 27:29: Then, fearing lest we should run aground on the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern, and prayed for day to come.
Looking for Answers
Evening Study Guide
Defining: “Storm”: Inclement (rough, harsh, extreme, severe) conditions in weather, relationships, finances, business, government, emotions, or just about any life situation.
Referencing: “He calms the storm, so that its waves are still,” Psalm 107:29.
Applying: When the storms of life come, and they will come, remember, Jesus is the Shelter in the time of storm.