

Jealousy arouses… fury, and [it] will show no mercy when [it] takes revenge. [It] will not accept any compensation; [it] will refuse the bribe, however great it is.
(Proverbs 6:34-35)
The proverb is speaking of a husband's jealousy. I have taken the liberty to change "he" to "it" for the purpose of seeing, hopefully more clearly, the character of jealousy in any realm. For jealousy is not reserved only for relationships, but likewise for and in business, sports, possessions and just about any other endeavor we may enter. By simple definition, jealousy is the inordinate fear of losing affection, position or possessions. Consider the fruit of jealousy: rage, spite and revenge. It is deadly to both its possessor and to the one who provokes it. Jealousy possesses the mind like a demon possesses the soul. It is relentless in its pursuit of bitterness. It destroys dreams, goals, relationships and lives. Never, never entertain it. Turn down its attempts of intimidation. Make no room for jealousy. There is a just jealousy; however it is reserved for only one, the Lord God.[1] He is justly jealous for you.

[1] Exodus 20:5