
A Sign Of Honor

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
(Proverbs 31:28)
Teach this to your children and make sure that you have learned it yourself. To rise in the presence of elders, leadership and parents is right and gives the honor due their office. Not to rise is a sure sign of disrespect. "Render therefore to all their due:… customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.”[1] I thank God that I was taught from my youth to rise in the presence of my elders. We did not only have to get up, but we had to greet them as well. Not to do so brought instant correction. Whenever there was a family gathering, my cousins and I would hurriedly get in a line to greet the patriarch of the family, uncle Armand. He, as are my parents no longer with us. I would be more than thrilled to rise in their presence once again and to call them blessed and to unashamedly praise them. Therefore let us do so while we have the opportunity, for the day will come when you wished that you could.

[1] Romans 13:7