
Opinions are Only Opinions

A man who bears false witness against his neighbor is like a club, a sword, and a sharp arrow.
(Proverbs 25:18)
Gossip, slander and lies wound, scar and maim; they more than often do so without remedy. Many a life has been ruined by mere accusation. To share an opinion as an absolute truth is an out and out lie. To judge without knowing all the facts is likewise the cause of many wounds and destroyed lives. Here is what I know, there is always at least one thing we do not know about another's given situation. Hearsay is never justifiable evidence by which to judge another. Innuendos, presumptions and assumptions are clubs, swords and sharp arrows. They defraud and malign. There is no place for them in the lives of believers. If you have a question about someone's integrity or honesty, go to that person and humbly share your thoughts and the reasons for them. Listen objectively and without a preconceived judgment, always making sure that your questions are not indictments.