
The Hard Call

Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne will be established in righteousness.
(Proverbs 25:5)
Who influences the kingdom of your life? Who are your counselors, helpers, your fellow workmen? What is their character? It matters not their skills, talents or abilities, if their attitudes and morality are lacking. Sooner or later the ungodly will bring down your kingdom if left unchecked. Here is what I know about the wicked in any kingdom, they are difficult to remove. They more than often have power and influence. That is what they seek. However, the longer one waits to remove them the more powerful and influential they become, thus making them even a greater threat to your endeavors. If they are in your midst, get a plan, put things in order and remove them as wisely as possible. If they have been with you for a season, be prepared for a skirmish. Nevertheless it will bring righteousness to your throne.